The SYMMETRY CELL (SC) produces images very varied by applying a sequence of symmetries.
The patterns obtained may be colored by multiple ways: tapes or colored circles, colored walls, shading, etc.
With about a hundred axes the set of the cells can't be represented legibly in the screen: it is necessary to select an area and a scale suitable. * * * - 3D - in three dimensions it is planar-symmetry:
These images 3D can also make an animation !....
If all the planes of symmetry are passing through by the middle of a sphere, the SC product designs on the surface of it. The projection of an area creates an image plane. A program can scroll the area around the sphere.
The gallery SC-SPH shows some examples of the images obtained with plans chosen at random but from a law optimal distribution. These images evoke the designs of oriental tapestry works. They can be progressive. * * * - GEOM 2D - In two dimensions, but the successive axes are tangent to a equiangular spiral. The images obtained are then very regular and evoke geometric or natural shapes. Some are strictly fractal. * * * - 2D FRAC-In two
dimensions, but the lines become hyperbolas by a transformation similar
to that which generate fractals of JULIA. The images obtained are similar
to previous ones. But they are limited by a fractal line and harmoniously
redued on the periphery. The gallery SC-FRA shows some examples of these images. The last were obtained by a "graft" onto the spherical cells.
Copyright © Hugues Amiard 2004 2008 Tous droits réservés. |